بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
محاضرة د محمد حلمى بتاريخ 23/2/2009م
The definition of criticism :it is a term that used in 17th cent to evaluate or analyze any piece of literary art
Or it is a scientific method of analyzing apiece of art
The definition of criticism according to T.S.ELIOT :it is a contemplation and exposition of any literary work ;hence the ability to recognize the value of the work of art
ALEXANDER POP:ONE OF THE famous CRITICS of NEO-CLASSICISM: he wrote ESSAY ON CRITICISM: he was interested in decorum according to him the best work of art should derives from ROMAN and GREEK authors it also must be précised ,accurate and obvious
He also teaches authors to write effectively
ROMNTIC PERIOD :they rebel against social rules the authors of this period were very famous like WILLIAM WORDS WORTH :they were called pioneers they wanted to discuss social problems then they escaped away from this social problems to be the worshipers of nature
They used blank verse and they also rejected religion .they had god of nature and nature of god
MODERNISM: a literary movement lasted for 120 years. It an endless term formed by many writers . it started in GERMANY .it contains imagism/ expressionism /realism/and naturalism
Finally ;the concept of nature according ALEXANDER POP AND WILLIAM WORDS WORTH: for pop is the mean rules of roman and greek authors /for words worth has the god of nature and nature of god
المعادل الموضوعى is to create a situation this should depend on the same events
مثال ان يقوم المؤلف من خلال حدث معين او موقف معين باضفاء جو من الرومانسية او الحزن او البهجة التى نلاحظها فى المشاهدين
ملحوظة محاضرة د نبيلة لم اكون قادرا على نشرها لانى لم احضر رجاء من اللى حضر نشرها
ارجو مشاركتى لكى نقوم بنشر المزيد والمزيد وشكرا